Animation and educational films
Facts and training content can be presented in a didactically appealing way using animated educational films, making learning fun.

illustrations and animation for information about growth disorder disease hypophosphatasia

Illustrations and animation for a movie-clip about the muscle disease LGMD
(in cooperation with Björn Pertoft)
Watch full movie on LinkedIn

Illustrations for an information clip:
Patient information about eye diseases
(in cooperation with Andrea Thiele)

Animation: Spread and prevention COVID-19 (German)

Illustration and realization in After Effects: Multiple sclerosis

Animation (detail) on speech difficulties caused by poor posture (German)
(in cooperation with Andrea Thiele)
Frequently asked questions about animations and educational films (FAQ)
What do I need to pay attention to when creating educational films?
In addition to clarifying the target group, timing is very important, i.e. how quickly the film runs and at what speed it conveys the information. An animation needs a good and detailed script in advance.
Who are animations and educational films for?
In principle, animated films can depict everything that exists in terms of didactic illustration in motion and time sequences. It is an extension for conveying teaching content that is often more entertaining and therefore also more instructive than a static illustration.