Training documents, textbooks, schoolbooks
revaluate AG: Mascots „Max Money“ and „Mona Money“

Mascots for financial service providers:
Lectures, training courses, videos, newsletters and much more on the topic of money knowledge
For the financial services provider “revaluate AG“, the mascot “Max Money” and a drawing style for illustrating presentations and newsletters were developed. Later, “Mona Money” and the dog “Lola” were added.
A courageous and smart decision
It was a courageous and clever decision by the company to go against the clichés and approach the topic of “money knowledge” with humor and a different style of information. Perhaps some people will be taken aback at first to be presented with this information in this way, but it arouses interest and lifts money knowledge from the pedestal of sacred expert knowledge. People often know more about the additives in tomato sauce than they do about their own investments, and here – with the help of Max Money, Mona Money and Lola – we are working to counteract this shortcoming.
For a few years now, this project has been very successful in helping people learn about money in a relaxed and exciting way.